
Lunch at Miracosta

I went to Oceano at hotel Miracosta!

Oceano is Mediterranean diet restaurant.

Here is a memorried restaurant for me.

I wrote before that I like Disney hotel and restaurant.

It all started when I came to this restaurant 2 years ago.

I had never been to an expensive restaurant since then.

All dishes were delicious, beautiful and made me happy.

I ordered 4 dishes course.


soup or pasta or rissot

main dish

dessert (buffet)

bread and drink

about 3500 yen (I forgot!)


There were 3 kinds of breads.

Shape of star was milk bread

White one was bread of rice flour

The other was croissant.

We ate olive oil and balsamic vinegar.


I forgot the name of dish...

It looks like beef, isn't it?

However, this is Tuna!

I couldn't believe it!

Tuna was very soft and taste and texture were like beef too!

Source was red wine and black currant (カシス).


I forgot the name but it was like minestrone.

There were a lot of vegetables :)

*Main dish*

steam and roast of veal
red wine source and yuzu pepper.

I love yuzu pepper~

I thought it's unique to eat wine source and yuzu!

Red wine source is a mild and yuzu pepper is spicy. (How can I say ピリ辛 in English?)


My friend had planted my birthday party!

I was surprised because my birthday was 2 weeks ago!

Server sang a birthday song!

I repeated "Really?" ,"Why?"and "Oh my god" many times.

After this cake, of course we ate dessert buffet^^

I had a really good time!!

2 件のコメント:

  1. All of them looks so delicious and unique! I have not been to any hotels of Disney Resort. The restaurant in the Pirates of Carebbean was also good! They have courses of maybe French, and I love the atmosphere of there. I tried Ra-men last time at the Disney land. Someday I wanna try the hotel's one!

  2. Look so delicious and so cute!!
    I love Disney Resort but I hane never been to hotels so
    I want to stay there:-)
